Beyond Eyes – Reflections after Art Residence
Beyond Eyes – Reflections after Art Residence
Sometimes on your life path you meet people that don’t care about anyone, other than who is making them feel confident. They seems to soften their heart only in specific situations, with specific people. They rather put out your light than find their own. They don’t see beyond their ability to judge who is trying all his efforts to be kind and compassionate.
At See Beyond I finally met some people who gave me the feelings of caring for others. People who accept and are sincere with their own emotions and therefore can perceive and embrace others’ emotions.
I have always known that people who are not afraid of showing their weaknesses and their feelings are the stronger ones, and I got the confirmation of this during the Art Residence. I saw people who took off their clothes and showed everyone their (inner) scars, someone who cried in front of a window and others who just followed their istinct. I really needed to meet people who do not have masks, whose eyes are sincere and express their own world. People who reply to your kindness with other kindness; people who appreciate you and tell you about that.
I love to see beyond eyes. But this is possible only with certain people. Through performance, I understood that some people are “naked” in showing themselves, others have a mask of naivety which has no audience, other than their own kind. The curious thing is that this mask takes on a different colour according to the situation, the only thing that remains is the steady hand to hold the mask up.
At SEE BEYOND I took my shyness off and I enabled my soul to see beyond . Beyond my own world, beyond my guilts, beyond my insecurities. To see myself through others’ eyes.
I saw through others’ eyes and I discovered new worlds. I found out new words.
I undestood that everyone has a story to tell, but when you read it through the eyes it worth twice.
Valentina, EVS volunteer in Ukraine in the project “EqUalize”