Erasmus+ Project “Youth Employment Toolbox”, Napoli 21-25/04/2018
From 21st to 25th of April we hosted the participants of the “Youth Employment Toolbox” project in Naples, supported by the Erasmus+ program through Agence Erasmus + France.
During the project the participants of the associations Nous (Italy), Asso Odyssee (France), Nauksenu region municipality (Latvia) and NOTARS (Hungary) had the opportunity to discuss the problems related to employment in Italy, especially regarding the youth and with a comparison between the situation in the North and in the South of Italy.
During the following days we visited some of the realities of Naples that are basing their daily work on cultural expression, that is, A’mbasciata, which also hosted the training sessions, and Dedalus Social Cooperative and Gesco Sociale, with the visit to the Dote Comune project, and finally the Era and Poggio cooperatives, that are basing their activities on social and civil competences
At the end of the activities, the impressions and best practices collected during the study visits were summarized, identifying the problems underlined in Italy during the sessions and the methodologies used by the various NGOs visited to address them.
Next stop, Latvia!