Here is the video story of our Erasmus+ PBA “Euromediators”, held in Rome from the 28/10/2017 to the 4/11/2017.
During the PBA the participants from Italy, Spain, Romania, Portugal, Lebanon, Palestine, Morocco and Tunisia discussed about the migration reality perceived in their own countries according on the picture offered by the national media, sharing also the real counterpart of the described situation.
In the following days the focus moved on how volunteering and especially Erasmus+ projects can give a contribution to target the migration issues in the countries that are the beginning or the final destination of the migratory movement.
We also dedicated a day on the best practices in volunteering and how to design and realize project with a significant quality standard, sharing also the best practices of the NGOs or of the former volunteers.
The final part of the project, enriched by the study visits to CeIS and FOCSIV, two big realities in Rome that have a relevant experience in our project’s field, has been dedicated to the networking and to the developement of new project ideas who have been elaborated after and transformed into projects ready to be submitted in the following Erasmus+ deadlines.