Final Thoughts
Final Thoughts
“And once the storm is over, you won’t remember how you made it through, how you managed to survive. You won’t even be sure, whether the storm is really over. But one thing is certain. When you come out of the storm, you won’t be the same person who walked in. That’s what this storm’s all about.” – Murakami
When something comes to an end, we often struggle to find the meaning of what has just happened. Precisely, how we got into it, what was our motivation and expectations, which challenges we had to face and where they have led us. And most and foremost, how much pain and joy at the same time this experience has brought to our hearts and why.
So for me, this time spent in Ukraine was like getting pregnant without searching for it. It happened, and it meant to me a lot of struggle and acceptance. Of myself and the things I was not be able to change. Despite all of my efforts.
During this long journey, I have met on my way a bunch of diverse people. Sometimes extremely deep and thoughtful, sometimes completely crazy, sometimes rude and arrogant, sometimes cold and distant, sometimes simply lovely and caring.
And this is precisely what this journey has meant to me. People.
As all the persons we encounter on our life path do often represent a mirror, when we look into and discover more about ourselves. And I have seen myself in so many different ways through their eyes. I have realized my limitations. And starting from there, I have learnt how to rely on my strengths and appreciate my inner beauty.
Confronting with a foreign and extremely different culture, has been for me a precious gift and opportunity to reborn again. I have much more clear what are my goals, what I really like about people, what it is my purpose and how I can achieve it. I can say for sure I am not the same person who arrived at Sykhiv on a silent and freezing morning. In the middle of a winter storm.
And this is precisely what our journey and in particular my journey has been all about.