More Mosaic 4 All – Youth Exchange in Georgia
The experience of Davide, participant in the project “More Mosaic 4 All”, coordinated by More Mosaic and held in Kutaisi, Georgia.
“This project was amazing, for some of us was the first or second time in an erasmus + project, so we didn’t know what to expect from it, and at the end of it we were very satisfied and happy to have partecipated. During the project the main topic was well carried on and analized, it create a lot good discussion, shareing moment, it has allowed us to share a lot about ourselves and also tu learn something from other partecipant experiences. The activites were at the same time funny and reflexeve and the atmosphere that was created put all of us in the condition to share our thinks freely. I think that almost all of us learnt something in this project, starting from the group cohabitation to the strengthening of individual interpersonal relationships. I think that European Union have to carry on this kind of project, because this is the way to create a common sense of belonging for all European young generation.”