More Mosaic for all is on!
Almost 40 people from 8 countries will be together in Lviv for 10 days.
More Mosaic For all youth exchange started in the best way. Almost 40 people from 8 different countries met in LVIV, Ukraine. This is the 2nd part of the project. The 1st one was held in Georgia, in June 2019.
We had the chance to have indoor and outdoor activities due to very sunny days, something unusually for Ukraine in this period of time. A lot of activities took place in the very first day, where all the participants had the chance to introduce to each other and share their own expectation about the project. We had activities that helped to develop team building and ice breaking games as well during the day. The 1st intercultural evening is dedicated to Belarus.
The participants had a very good connection with each other, and they managed to work out every activity respecting the deadline. We find out that the atmosphere is very friendly, and people seem to be positive and energetic.
As 1st day, a really important point was dedicated to the structure, the rules and the main goal of the project.
Stay tuned and follow us in this experience.